Loving You is the Only Way to Fly is a song written by Jedd Hughes, Sarah Buxton and Rodney Crowell and performed by Scarlett O'Connor and Gunnar Scott in the Season One episode Move It on Over.
In the occasion, they are performing for the Lady Antebellum producer to show their songs. As asked, another guitar player was supposed to be introduced and Scarlett proposes her boyfriend, Avery Barkley. At some point, the latter feels jealous about the chemistry between the other two and tries to sabotage the performance.
I should have moved on long ago
Why i still want you I don't know
These days my best laid plans
Are built on shifting sands
Its not like I don't know you said goodbye
Lovin' you is the only way to fly
Can’t find the strength to stand alone
Can’t seem to find my way back home
I fell so far so deep
Can’t eat, can’t breathe, can’t sleep
Don’t much care if I live or die
Loving you is the only way
Loving you is the only way to fly (Loving you is the only way to fly)
Somebody said
“Some dreams come true, some pass you by.”
That's how it is
Sometimes I feel you'll come around
We'll find a house somewhere in town
I keep my hopes alive
With one long free fall dive
I think, drink, sink into this life
Loving you is the only way
Loving you is the only way to fly
Loving you is the only way to fly)
Somebody said
"Some dreams come true, some pass you by.”